Crazy Creative
According to pop culture, mentally ill people are magically more creative, filled with a manic drive to create art that pushes them to the brink until they finally explode.
According to pop culture, mentally ill people are magically more creative, filled with a manic drive to create art that pushes them to the brink until they finally explode.
Which are our contributors’ least favorite disability tropes?
In terms of disabled characters, what would our contributors like to see more of in children’s literature?
What kind of tips do our contributors have for authors seeking to respectfully write disabled characters?
This is a story about what it’s like to go crazy, and it is brilliantly, masterfully crafted.
How do our contributors define the dreaded concept of “inspiration porn,” and how do they feel about it?
While we’re never told exactly what Marcelo’s impairment is, and it’s implied that no one can quite figure it out, it shares many features that will be familiar to those of us on the autism spectrum.