Review: The Angel Tree by Daphne Benedis-Grab
Although the author got some of the details about blindness wrong, she seems very committed to diversity, and I enjoyed this book a lot.
Although the author got some of the details about blindness wrong, she seems very committed to diversity, and I enjoyed this book a lot.
April Henry’s main character in Girl, Stolen is a well-researched, well-written example of blindness, and we were thrilled to discuss the book with her.
Shaunta Grimes’s Viral Nation is the rare YA dystopian novel with an autistic protagonist; we were keen to sit down with the author to discuss the book, its sequel Rebel Nation, and its protagonist Clover Donovan.
The description for this book uses the phrase “brilliant but autistic” to describe its main character, and that’s where our conflicted feelings about Viral Nation start.
The notion of people faking disabilities is not at all new or novel–and, like many, many disability tropes, it’s a harmful one.